I do not have photos for this entry so I just did more of the falls. The left photo is of Anna and Maurice next to the falls. The right photo is of Peter and I in the ocean next to the freshwater falls.
Off we went, blindly, following our guide, right next to the waterfall and into the rainforest. Hmmmm, suddenly he seemed rather Pygmie like himself and we figured this was definately a scam. Up and up we went, farther and farther into the rainforest, until we came out onto a road into the heart of a village. Nope, not there yet. We walked for about a half hour down this dirt road, under the blazing sun, until we finally came to a bridge. However, throughout the walk Peter and Anna are telling Maurice to ask, "Are we there yet?", every two minutes--ok maybe not every two, but a lot. I was regretting not wearing a t-shirt over my swimsuit.
We get to the bridge and go down the embankment to wait for the guy to bring the pirogue. Now, what you haven't heard about yet is that there are about 20 or so people just milling about and we are their morning entertainment so we are being watched this entire time. There is a man on a large plank yelling this whole time. He is on a plank because his legs are not formed correctly and is upper torso is way developed to compensate for it. He is yelling because this is his port and he deserves to get a cut of the money. The argument continues for about 10 minutes, and at this point we just want to throw them the money and get the hell out of Dodge. Maurice can't interpret because they are speaking a dialect he doesn't know, but we can tell because no matter what you do here somebody wants a cut, whether they deserve it or not.