Saturday, October 21, 2006


I have been sick for quite a while now. I finally broke down and went to the French clinic during school. One of the drivers, Fabien, took me in a school van. It was about 5 minutes from school. It looked just like an older clinic would in the US. The receptionist spoke no English so Fabien translated for me. Then I sat and waited. So far so good. The difference was that as every person that ientered the waitng room greeted the room with a Bon Jour, instead of avoiding eye contact, which seems the general protocol in the US. Then the doctor would come out and just ask who was next (except it was in French so I didn't know that). When it was my turn the lady next to me nudged me so I would know to go. I went in and she determined I had bronchitis. She laughed and said, "ahhh, sunburn, your swim costume is quite interesting, no?" when she saw my poor peeling back. $25,000 cfa later I was out the door and on my way to the pharmacy where once again Fabien translated for me. The first pharmacy had only 2 of the 3 medicines I neede so we had to stop again. I was back at school by 9:45 to teach. Unfortunately I got worse and ended up missing two days of school. But, knock on wood, no malaria or ameobas yet!!!!!!!!!!!!


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