Dinner on the Beach

We went down to the shack at the beach and surprise, surprise they were ready for us. You have to be careful because standard time and Africa time are two very different things. We sat down on the benches, got out beers and awaited the culinary delights that were about to be brought forth....
Let me take a moment to point out that I am one of the most pickiest eaters ever. I don't do meat very well, and have been known to cook an entire meal and then not eat it. I gag very easily, even at the smell of something, don't even necessarily have to see it. So, I was very nervous about this meal. I knew the fish would still have the head on it and it would not be deboned-apparently that is an American innovation. I have gotten over that by picking apart everything given to me on my plate and saying how I am SO full, a lot. I took a big swig of my beer and waited with baited breath....
Hey there old man! No time to do anything so far. Pete plays tennis and we are starting to train for the hike up Mount Cameroon soon-it's in February. Doubt beers would make it past the border, though a care package would be greatly appreciated. My mom sent one through the address on the magnet I gave you. Hope all is good with you! Love, Theresa
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