Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Yes, that's right folks, I wrote monkey. This is why I wrote monkey. Yesterday, I was in the teacher's workroom typing away, when I noticed something our of the corner of my eye. Now periphial vision is tricky to spell and sometimes even trickier to believe because I thought I saw a gray cat on the floor next to me. I turned to the lady next to me, Amy,(she is the wife of a teacher here, used to be the art teacher and now stays home with their baby, she happened to be with the baby, using the computer because this is practically the only place you can get service and even then it's sketchy....) to say there was a cat when I suddenly realized it was a MONKEY!!!!!!!! There was monkey not two feet away from me! It was the kind we saw at the gorilla sanctuary when we first got here. It was grey, with a long tail and a white face. It was pretty cute until I realized it was between me and the door and Amy had a baby in her arms. I couldn't stop saying, "there's a monkey, there's a monkey!" Over and over again. It perused the room and then decided to go back out the door. This interface lasted all of a minute, but freaked me out for the day. Can any of you beat that one?


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