Dinner or Aliens?

... The fish did come with heads- I even tried a little bit when Maurice remove the head and skin for me. The fried pantains and french fries were great. But the biggest amazement of all, since we've arrived in Africa undoubtedly, was that I ate the schrimp. They were fully cooked and fully connected to their bodies. There were legs, antennaes, eyes, heads, the works. I looked at that tray, took a deep breath, while Pete watched in awe, and was the first one to rip the little creature apart and eat the shrimp. It was actually the best flavor of shrimp I have ever had. Now I know why shrimp is so expensive in the store. It takes a lot of work to disconnect all the parts so it looks like the pretty, little, harmless appetizer everyone loves. Pete could not believe I ate it. He was even hesitating himself, until he saw me dig in. I figured I would be insulting these guys who live from day to day on this stuff and I also didn't want to be wasteful. I still shiver when I think about it, but am glad that I did it and didn't act like a baby, making faces and rolling my eyes, which is my usual response
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