The Pirogue

The guide finally comes around and tells us to get in. Anna and I are like, we are not stepping into that sludge on the shore to get in, so we had to scramble over/through another boat. All settled in and we are off, gliding down the river, going against the current. There are two very small guys rowing this 14x4 foot wooden boat. So we had to hug the shoreline the whole way. Again, "Are we there yet?" was the main topic of conversation, and, "I wonder if there really is a village?".
About 40 minutes later, after about 10, "We're almost theres", he tells us to get out.
Off into the rain forest we go. This time there was no avoiding it, my feet got muddy and I started to pray about parasites and worms as this was exactly what all the books I read about said NOT to do. Suddenly, the guide does this shout and we could hear, in unison, a shout of reply. Then they started to whistle back and forth--we're like great, they're getting the pot ready to boil us-kidding!
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