Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Earth Hour

Hey, I just signed up to the new Earth Hour website for 2008 and I thought you might like to take a look and possibly sign up too. Earth Hour is on 29 March 2008 at 8pm, and it looks like it's going to be really big. So far, as well as Sydney, there'll also be Chicago, Tel Aviv, Manila, Copenhagen, Melbourne, Brisbane and Toronto all turning off their lights for an hour in the name of fighting global warming. And I'm sure there'll be more cities by March. Sign up for Earth Hour with me by visiting http://www.earthhour.org/sign-up and join the movement.

That is what I copied off the website. I hope I don't usually sound as bland/cheerleaderlike as that little blurb. However, I do think this is a great idea and hope you will sign up and participate. Having lived in Cameroon over the last 2 years I see how dependant we have become on electricity-- and how little effort it takes to change that. We have not had as many outages this year, especially with a back-up generator, but we have gotten a glimpse of what it is like. Candles and a good book go a long way to make the time go by. When was the last time you spent one minute, let alone one hour with nothing electrical on? Give it a try, and while your at it, unplug little-used appliances, shut your computer off instead of always keeping it on sleep mode, and change those light bulbs!


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