Birthday Celebrations

This is an old picture of Katie, Kristie, Pete and myself in Nairobi, at the Carnivore restaurant.
Over the weekend we had a "gal pal" get together for my birthday and three others. Today is my actual birthday and it has been quite nice. I got up at o'dark-thirty to come into school for 6:00 am to do my planning for the next week. OK, that part really was not nice. The nice part came I went down stairs to ride in with Meredith and she made me a cute sign. At school my students made me a banner, brought in gifts, and some treats. The last part of the day we are going to have a little party. I was surprised by several co-workers showing up with gifts and flowers. The flowers here are gigantic and exotic so I feel like I won a pageant or something.
Generally, things are back to normal here. The marked difference is the number of extra militia around town. There are now men in black flack jackets, with black berets, and operational machine guns at most intersections. If we see ones in purple berets that is cause for alarm because they are the president's personal army and he does not call them out lightly. As of now we don't know what we will do over spring break (next Saturday). It will depend on how the Ministry meetings go next week. I'll keep you posted.
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