Saturday, March 01, 2008

Thursday 2/28 Gas Station

Ann reported to us that it was safe to go get gas so we figured better to do it when we had time. Pete and I went and got in the line. There was militia there trying to keep order. The motorcycles were four deep in their line and there were several lines for cars. It took us about 30 minutes. In that time we saw a man get billy-clubbed for trying to walk up and get his jerrycans filled with gas. They do not like that because they just go down the street and try to resell it. We also got cut in the line by another car. Others tried to follow him and it just created a big cluster. They limited how much you could get. At this point there were still no taxis driving--that is why there were so many motorcycles, people were using them more than normal as taxis. My nerves were shot.
We then went to the local shop and it took us 45 minutes. It was so packed we had to park on the street. However, everyone was orderly and it went smoothly. I had a headache after all that.
We hung out with Meredith and Adrianna all day. Mid afternoon we got the call that there was bad rioting in the city that is at the base of Mount Cameroon. There is a University there and have been more than one protest there since we have lived here. So we cancelled school for Friday.
Wednesday night the president had addressed the nation-- first time. The general consensus was that his speech did not go over well. He said he will use whatever force he has to and that the strike should cease. Many Cameroonians felt his speech was arrogant and did not address the country as a father. So as of now nothing is settled and the people are still angry.


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