
After a pretty long day of driving we made it to Bangem. The hotel was about the nicest we have stayed at so far--no overwhelming smell of mold or urine and for only 10,000 cfa (about $20 US) a night! Tom did a fantastic job of making out a menu and cooking for us the whole time. Meredith, Jennifer, and I knew we wouldn't eat the local food. Pete decided not to after recently visiting the doctor and being diagnosed with not one, but 2, amoebas and was on medication. We walked around town a bit . We noted that this area was much more clean, organised, and in general friendlier than the other areas of Cameroon we have been to. I believe it was partly that it is an Anglophone province, that Tom is something of a celebrity there, and this is the first area we have been to that makes it a bit easier on tourists. There were signs for the lake we hiked to the next day and even a road sign!
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