Cardboard Rules!

On the same say as the almost ruined dinner party I accidentally broke a window pane. The window had been opened by Hilda because the varnish fumes were so bad. The reason I had never opened it was that the frame did not fit into the wall correctly. So I had to slam it to shut and, crack, I broke it. When it broke it was cracked all through the center and looked as though it could fall in at any moment. So, I filled out the customary work order. The handiest of all the custodians at school, Henry, does all the work here too. I am not showing you this as a ‘dis’ on him, but just to show the thriftiness/logic-less-ness of living here. The broken window pane was replaced with another broken window pane, this one just has a corner missing instead. So I remembered back to this summer, down in good ol’ Tazewell, where the trailer with the all the roosters were and I thought to myself… cardboard! Who need glass window panes when there’s cardboard!
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