Chaotic Kitchen

Ahhh, the kitchen, where all the culinary delights are created. Ahhh, not so much, so far. As you can see lots of counter space. Can you also see that the cupboards are so high I can barely reach the bottom shelf? Did you notice that the lower cupboards are all slanting upwards? That our refrigerator is in another room because the only outlet in the kitchen is above the sink? Or maybe you noticed that the stove is a little propane number, and the size of a play stove that people buy their kids to pretend cook? Sorry, just a little bitter and fed up. We finally got one light working so I don’t have to cook by candle light anymore because the kitchen is the one room in the whole house with only one little window. I am also getting used to having to light it every time we use it. Unfortunately the matches are really cheap and get damp very quickly
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