We're Done!

By the end we were exhausted. This one shaky shot in the rainforest was all the strength I had left. I actually was faster than Peter at this time because I couldn’t wait to take a shower and have a beer on the beach. This part of the rainforest was (I’ve already used, rough and difficult, what’s left?) challenging because the roots of the trees were covered in moss and there were mossy rocks under the slimy leaves that were decomposing. In addition we were just plain old beat, so there was a lot more falling (by me), and resting (by Peter).
We made it back a little after 1:00 on Saturday. We took a taxi back to the town. This time it just had our packs and the guide- our first taxi ride up had us, all the packs, the driver, two porters in the front seat and the guide and another porter in the back with Peter and I—Africa style. So, in total, we hiked 9 hours the first day, 11 hours the second, and 7 the third.
We made it back a little after 1:00 on Saturday. We took a taxi back to the town. This time it just had our packs and the guide- our first taxi ride up had us, all the packs, the driver, two porters in the front seat and the guide and another porter in the back with Peter and I—Africa style. So, in total, we hiked 9 hours the first day, 11 hours the second, and 7 the third.
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