Day One Done

This is Hut 2. It consists of 2 outhouses (cement covered holes in the ground, didn’t smell) and a large tin-roofed shack. Inside it is broken up into 3 rooms, with a large raised platform to sleep on. Pete and I slept in the tent because there were 3 other groups there, as well as their guides and porters. I quickly got out of my wet clothes and we enjoyed a nice hot meal on the little gas propane stove. Martin kept urging us to get dinner going—we ate about an hour ahead of them because they made everything from scratch and cooked it over an open fire. Our guide was amazed that the rice we brought cooked in 5 minutes. Rice is a main staple of the diet here, but it is cooked the old-fashioned way. He also checked out our package of tuna that was a plastic pouch, not in a can. We were chilly at night, but have camped out in much worse weather-ask Amy or Jon to verify.
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