Peter and I are going to be living in Yaounde, Cameroon for the next two school years. I will be the fifth grade teacher and Pete is the K-12 counselor at the American School of Yaounde until 2008. Join us on our adventure!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Back to the Trip
These are the staries down to the first waterfall we went to. Several hours later we arrived to the turn off for the estate. The sign says 9KM, what it doesn't say is how bumpy, rough, pot-holey, and steep the road is. A few times the bus bottomed out and we all moaned in fear. We finally got to the top and entered the 1,800 hectre farm.
I lived in Western New York until I was 24 and then I packed up my car and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada for a teaching position. I lived there for five years, amongst wonderful friends, when I finally met Pete. After he hiked the Appalachian trail we moved to Loveland, Colorado. We were married on April 30, 2005 under 14 inches of snow in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. We then decided to accomplish our goal of living overseas as educators. I am truly excited about this move to Africa!
It's because we are at work all day long, just like your father and never got to see the scorching sun.
No evidence of pesticide use thus far.
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