Chicken Little

Meredith helped me transfer everything to her house. However, Pete was delayed at school and missed dinner. As we were enjoying our Grand Marnier dessert Fred made, Peter calls to say he is lost. Now, there is no way anyone of you, other than Beth, can understand how horrific the driving is here. I cannot even put into words how the taxis cut you off, people turn at any time, lane or not, people carrying huge loads on their heads walking into the street,and the traffic circles.... oy vay! So when Pete calls to say he is lost in the dark, with the cops pulling over cars for bribes, and no street signs, I felt helpless. He had no point of reference and no way of telling me where he was. The other thing is that our phones run by these little "Orange" cards that give you credit for minutes, once you are out the phone just shuts off. So my phone runs out of minutes and I can't call him back, just wait for him to pull over, oh yeah, that's right, there is no shoulder here, no parking lots, no gas stations nicely lit to stop in for help. Luckily, we got it sorted out and it took him about 45 minutes to drive the normally 15 minute drive for that time of day. Needless to say he is not driving alone at night anymore.
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