Marianne, me, Fred, Meredith

We spent the ENTIRE day shopping for supplies, we had to unload the van twice. At the first store it was like a Saturday Night Live skit. We arrived right before lunch time. Suddenly the lights are flashing and there is a buzzer going off. I am like is this a fire drill? So we take all of our carts(carts here are like the small toy ones you see for kids at the grocery store) and get into line. Now-- it's dark, the AC is nonexistent, I am greener to the gills than my t-shirt and it takes us each a good 20 minutes to get through. This is why. Each item has a little sticker with what I believe to be are random numbers, the numbers are then read off by one person, typed in by a second, a third person disagrees who yells at a fourth to go check (in the dark), a fifth person looks at the numbers and the computer screen, who hands the item to the sixth person who is putting it into boxes. Now, keep in mind this is all done in French. I happened to be the last of us and the one guy says to me ( in a French accent), in front of about 15 Cameroonians-- "Maybe next time I can help you around the store?". I told him I would have ask my husband and get back to him-- they all laughed!!! Then another guys said I should give him something to show him my appreciation for all
their hard work. I showed him my empty envelope that HAD money in it and said Good Job as I gave him a thumbs up, got another roar of la
ughter from the peanut gallery with that one. Humor seems to work in the most uncomfortable situations!
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