Eating Anchou

Rose is the lady standing in the background. She showed us how she made each part of the meal and how to properly eat anchou. Anchou is a root that they pound with mortars, then boil to the consistency of mashed potatoes. But not regular mashed potatoes, more like ones that have been mixed with Elmer's glue paste, however it does not have the delightful minty taste that paste has. In short it tastes like absolutely nothing. It's hard to believe something that takes so much work can taste like absolutely nothing. So you add this yellow stew that has meat in it (no bush meat eaten thus far) and this hot chili sauce. First you put a big plop of the cassava, smear it around with your spoon to make a nice lava bowl reservoir, then ladle in the sauce. You then use your first two fingers of your right hand to scoop it into your mouth. I was the first to try!
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