Friday, August 18, 2006

Zurich to Yaounde

Bleary- eyed and with bad breath we disembarked the plane to bonny Switzerland. It was a very nice airport- all clean cut, with glass and steel everywhere- so you can see the surrounding mountains. We got off and the first thing I noticed (Yes, that's right Todo we weren't in Kansas anymore!) were that all the signs had English on the bottom. We were still full, but dehydrated so we went to a little cafeteria, that was connected to Burger King to get two normal bottles of water. We hoped they took American, and a lot of it! It was $11.00 for the two bottles of water!!!!! We looked at the Burger King menu and figured out that a chicken salad from there was $11.50. And people were actually buying it!!!!
We then strolled the duty free, in case we needed a huge box of cigarrettes or a bottle of liquor. Nah, nor did we pick up any Ralph Lauren or Polo for 3 times what it would cost in the US. I was tempted to get some Swiss chocolate but figured it would melt as soon as we landed in Africa.

We met two teachers who work at ASOY, Meredith and Fred. It tried to switch our seats as our tickets said H and K, but low and behold they were together after all. This plane was smaller, no movies, distict change in body odor (not good) and none of the air stewards spoke English. Food, food, and more food the best being a little caramel ice-cream--yummy! Slept off and on however, this flight seemed so much longer. We stopped at a little island called Mowabo and some people got off and on. A short while later we landed in Cameroon....


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