The Night Goes On and On and On

This is a shot of the extra police they hired. Can you see their machine guns


The Mass was very long as the choir sang a song every five minutes, it seemed. It was very interesting hearing songs from church, sung in French, with an African flair. They tried their best to say things in English from time to time. After the service was over we all were asked to get a welcome drink by the MC. We made our way to the tables and eventually got up to the buffet. It was much more elaborate and formal than our wedding. We sat with good peeps and had fun listening to the orchestra. Some people left because it was taking too long for the music to start. They missed the real fun because it was a blas to dance with the choir to Cameroonian music and then move on to American music. I love dancing here because anything goes and you can dance with other people, by yourself, or a group and it doesn't mean anything. Pete and I tore it up!
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