Day Off

We got the day off of school due to the Kenya airways plane crash. Today was declared a National Day of Mourning. Luckily, no parents from our school were on the plane, but it crashed about an hour or so away in a swampy/rain forest area, with no survivors.
We decided to go hiking with our friends the Swaneys and some other Embassy families came along. We took a round about way through the city and ended up in an area none of us even knew was there. We hiked up one of the seven mountains here. At one point we had to stop and give the "chief" of the area a bottle of whiskey. None of us got to see the transaction, as Bill went down and took care of it.
It was long and hot, but all the little kids were troopers and we had a nice time! That's Kristie Swaney in the pink hat.
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