Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Things People Say

This year has been a doozy for excuses, here are a few...
"Mrs. Schmitt, I couldn't do my homework last night because the electric was out and our generator is out of oil"-legitimate-gets dark at 6:30, we don't even have a generator!

"My mom couldn't sign the form because she's traveling to _______"--fill in any country you can imagine, it would probably fit

"I'm sorry kids, I thought growing rock candy would work, I had no idea it would grow mold as it was eaten by hordes of ants"-- the bugs just mocked me!

"I don't have my homework because I forgot it and my driver wouldn't go back in the gate"--hardly any parents actually drive their kids themselves

"Sorry kids, I couldn't do the static electricity experiment I had planned for today, due to the rainy season"--I also had to really search the whole city as no one here uses combs

"No coach I couldn't wash my uniform because the water has been cut for 3 days"-- the return of stinky basketball uniforms


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