Prom 2007

Last night Peter and I went to help chaperon the prom at the US Embassy. The theme for the night was "casino royale". The students and teachers did a great job decorating the embassy hall in red, black, and gold, with lost of gaming paraphernalia on the tables and about the room. We didn't bring the camera as we weren't sure how security was going to be. The big differences between a prom here and one in the states is that there are no limos (but kid's parents all have high-profile SUVs and drivers so it's OK), and the boys don't wear tuxedos (every event here is formal so all males here have at least one suit anyways). It was fun to see all the kids dressed up and having a good time.
The photos are are in our new place. I got my dress made here and I picked out the material based on the necklace my mom sent me for my birthday this year(which I am wearing). Pete's suit we got through the seamstress, she went to the market place for us to get the correct price. Fancy aren't we?
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