On the way up to Korup

The left shot is of typical houses here. They are made of wood or mud and have tin roofs. You can see all the trash in the front. The houses are so dirty becasue there is so much dirt kicked up by cars on the unpaved roads. The right shot is of a bar. You can tell because the only decoration is that of alcohol advertisements. These shot are of the typical things we saw on our way to Korup National Forest. It is the oldest rainforest in Africa, 60 million years old. It is still preserved because it is so hard to get there. We drove for 11 hours on Saturday. On what was paved roads, at one time, but now is really just pot hole next to pot hole, just awful. Our driver, Eric, did a great job, but was barely able to get out of second gear (you don't think I know what that means, but you're wrong, it means that he was jerking to a stop every three seconds) for about 5 of the 11 hours. Each time we stopped for directions, as there are no road maps here and don't even think about maps.com, we were told a longer and longer amount of time. We finally arrived in Mundemba at about 6:oo pm and checked into our hotel. Relaxing right? Nope. No water or electricity and the only food avaiable was chicken and plantains stew- not anything I can stomach, so we made do with a warm beer and snacks we brought along. We spent a sweltering night in "the best" hotle in town and got a bucket of water to bathe with, utter luxury.
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