Peter and I are going to be living in Yaounde, Cameroon for the next two school years. I will be the fifth grade teacher and Pete is the K-12 counselor at the American School of Yaounde until 2008. Join us on our adventure!
Monday, November 20, 2006
First Happy Hour
We had our first party this weekend. Each floor of the apartment building had different things. Fred had Gin and Tonics, Marianne had wine, Meredith had beer/soda/H2O, and we had the food. Fred and Meredith made signs so people knew they had to keep going up, up, up. Almost the entire staff came and it was a great time. Yes, that's a lot of beer! Look at how small our fridges are. Fred got all of us flower arrangements to help decorate.
I lived in Western New York until I was 24 and then I packed up my car and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada for a teaching position. I lived there for five years, amongst wonderful friends, when I finally met Pete. After he hiked the Appalachian trail we moved to Loveland, Colorado. We were married on April 30, 2005 under 14 inches of snow in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. We then decided to accomplish our goal of living overseas as educators. I am truly excited about this move to Africa!
Actually, I am now getting used to things here and I like our new decorations. Wait till you see Pete's new drum!
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